New flu and covid vaccine delivered

There are two types of flu vaccine, one for under and the other for above 60 years of age. Both and the current covid vaccine against omicron XBB 1.5 have arrived in our surgery.

We vaccinate according to the recommendation of the STIKO. Please make an appointment for your jab.

Medical student from Oldenburg University

From 25th September to 6th October 2023 a medical student of the Oldenburg University will have his training weeks in our surgery.
He should have the opportunity to exercise practical skill early in his career: Taking medical history and clinical examination.
If you do not wish to be interviewed and examined by a medical student or to have him attending your appointment, please let our receptionist know.
Medical confidentiality is fully applied to such training sessions.
Thank you for your cooperation.

Current recommendation for covid 19 vaccination of the STIKO

Healthy infants, children and adolescents under 18 years of age do not require a covid 19 vaccination.

Healthy adults between 18 and 59 are advised to have a basic immunisation against covid 19 virus. This consists of two jabs and a further antigen contact. The antigen contact can either be a third vaccination or an infection.

An annual booster shot should be applied to:

Persons with increased risk for severe infection: above 60 years, older then 6 months with chronic diseases, inhabitants of nursing home,

Persons with increased risk for SARS-CoV-2 infection: medical professionals and care workers with immediate contact to patients,

Family members and close contact persons of patients under immunsuppressive therapy who themselves can not be for sure protected by covid vaccination.

The booster jab should be given a year after the last vaccination or infection.

Please contact us for an appointment if you are interested.

We are in holidays from 31st July to 11th August 23

Our surgery is closed from Monday, 31/07/23 to Friday, 11/08/23.

Please make sure, you order your referral forms and repeat prescriptions in time.

Cover during our closure by:

Praxis Dr Heimberg,

Nordseestr. 5, 26427 Neuharlingersiel, Tel. 04974 291

Praxis Dr Benjes,

Bahnhofstr. 40, 26409 Carolinensiel, Tel. 04464941 99 95

We are back in service from Monday, 14th August 2023.

Thank you for your understanding.

e-prescription and paperless redemption with your electronic health card (eGK)

Dear patients,

We are ready for e-prescription and its redemption with your eGK at the pharmacy!

You obtain the prescription as usual from our surgery either as:

1. a prescription code printout

2. or stored in your smartphone app

3. or simply just paperless.

At your chosen pharmacist the prescription code is scanned from the printout (1) or from your app (2). Otherwise the pharmacist uses your eGK as a key to download your code which is stored in the e-prescription server (3). The code is not stored on your e-health card. So he can dispense your medicine.

Currently not all medical items are available via e-prescription. Therefor the long-serving paper prescription is still valid.

Many of our local chemists are able to accept e-prescription code. They will introduce the eGK facility soon. According to their own announcement following pharmacies can handle all three procedures: Friesen-Apotheke, Burhafe, and Sonnen-Apotheke in Hohenkirchen.

Here is information from the consumer advice centre (German):

Surgery closed 30th June 23

Our surgery is closed on Friday, 30th June 2023.

Please make sure, you order your referral forms and repeat prescriptions in time.

Cover during our closure by:

– Praxis Dr Benjes, Bahnhofstr. 2, 26434 Hohenkirchen, Tel. 04463 281

We are back in service from Monday, 3rd July 2023.

Thank you for your understanding.

e-prescription available in our surgery

Around 500 millions paper prescriptions are issued each year in Germany. Since 2021 the electronic prescription facility has been introduced.

How does it work?

The doctor prescribes a medicine and transfers the data electronically to a special service.

The patient receives therefor a prescription code like a QR code either as a printout or an electronical transfer onto his smartphone.

For the smartphone option you need to install the complimentary E-Rezept-App of the Gematik: as well as your health card and its PIN (similar to a debit card and PIN for the cash machine). Both card and PIN are issued by your health insurrance company. They are necessary for the installation of the app.

At your chosen pharmacy the prescription code is scanned in enabling the dispense of your medicine.

Also, a dispensing of medicine via electronic health card is projected.

Advantages of the E-Rezept-App:

According to own statement local chemists are currently able to redeem the e-prescription, for instance Sonnen-Apotheke, Hohenkirchen; Apotheke am Krankenhaus, Wittmund; Friesen-Apotheke, Burhafe; Bären-Apotheke, Esens, Löwen Apotheke, Esens.

Surgery closed from 2nd – 19th May 23

Our surgery is closed from Monday, 2nd to Friday, 19th May 2023.

Please make sure, you order your referral forms and repeat prescriptions in time.

Cover during our closure by:

– Praxis Dr Heimberg, Nordseestr. 5, 26427 Neuharlingersiel, Tel. 04974 291

– Praxis Dr Benjes, Bahnhofstr. 2, 26434 Hohenkirchen, Tel. 04463 281

We are back in service from Monday, 22nd May 2023.

Thank you for your understanding.

Medical student from Oldenburg University

From 6th to 10th March 2023 a medical student of the Oldenburg University will have her training weeks in our surgery.
She should have the opportunity to exercise practical skill early in her career: Taking medical history and clinical examination.
If you do not wish to be interviewed and examined by a medical student or to have her attending your appointment, please let our receptionist know.
Medical confidentiality is fully applied to such training sessions.
Thank you for your cooperation.