e-prescription and paperless redemption with your electronic health card (eGK)

Dear patients,

We are ready for e-prescription and its redemption with your eGK at the pharmacy!

You obtain the prescription as usual from our surgery either as:

1. a prescription code printout

2. or stored in your smartphone app

3. or simply just paperless.

At your chosen pharmacist the prescription code is scanned from the printout (1) or from your app (2). Otherwise the pharmacist uses your eGK as a key to download your code which is stored in the e-prescription server (3). The code is not stored on your e-health card. So he can dispense your medicine.

Currently not all medical items are available via e-prescription. Therefor the long-serving paper prescription is still valid.

Many of our local chemists are able to accept e-prescription code. They will introduce the eGK facility soon. According to their own announcement following pharmacies can handle all three procedures: Friesen-Apotheke, Burhafe, and Sonnen-Apotheke in Hohenkirchen.

Here is information from the consumer advice centre (German): https://www.verbraucherzentrale.de/wissen/gesundheit-pflege/aerzte-und-kliniken/elektronische-rezepte-wichtige-fragen-und-antworten-zu-erezepten-64285