Our Festive Opening Hours

– We are open for acute illnesses and emergencies on

Tuesday, 27th December 2022 from 9:00 to 12:00 am and 16:00 to 18:00 pm,

Wednesday, 28th December 2022 from 9:00 to 12:00 am

– Our surgery remains closed on

Thursday, 29th and Friday, 30th December 2022

Covered on these days by

Dr Heimberg Surgery, Nordseestr. 5, 26427 Neuharlingersiel, Tel. 04974 291

From Monday, 2nd January 2023, we are back in service as usual.

Medical student from Oldenburg University

From 12th to 16th December 2022 a medical student of the Oldenburg University will have her training weeks in our surgery.
She should have the opportunity to exercise practical skill early in her career: Taking medical history and clinical examination.
If you do not wish to be interviewed and examined by a medical student or to have her attending your appointment, please let our receptionist know.
Medical confidentiality is fully applied to such training sessions.
Thank you for your cooperation.

Medical student from Oldenburg University

From 14th to 25th November 2022 a medical student of the Oldenburg University will have her training weeks in our surgery.
She should have the opportunity to exercise practical skill early in her career: Taking medical history and clinical examination.
If you do not wish to be interviewed and examined by a medical student or to have her attending your appointment, please let our receptionist know.
Medical confidentiality is fully applied to such training sessions.
Thank you for your cooperation.

Covid-19-Auffrischimpfungen vorzugsweise mit Omikron-adaptierten mRNA-Impfstoffen

Laut der aktuellen 22. Covid 19-Impfempfehlung der STIKO sollen:

  • alle Personen ab dem Alter von 12 Jahren eine Auffrischimpfung (= die 3.) vorzugsweise mit Original/Omikron BA.1 oder Omikron BA.4/5 erhalten, und zwar 6 Monate nach der 2. Impfung.
  • Eine durchgemachte nachgewiesene Covid-19-Infektion zählt wie eine Impfung (= ein immunologisches Ereignis)
  • Eine 2. Auffrischung (= 4. Impfung) bekommen 6 Monate nach der 3. Impfung / dem immunologischen Ereignis:
    • Alle ab 60 Jahre
    • BewohnerInnen in Einrichtungen der Pflege sowie Personen mit einem erhöhten Risiko für einen schweren COVID-19-Verlauf in Einrichtungen der Eingliederungshilfe
    • Personal in medizinischen Einrichtungen und Pflegeeinrichtungen, insbesondere solche mit direktem PatientInnen- bzw. BewohnerInnenkontakt
    • Personen im Alter ab 5 Jahren mit erhöhtem Risiko für schwere COVID-19-Verläufe infolge einer Grunderkrankung, insbesondere Immundefizienz
  • Eine 3. Auffrischung (= 5. Impfung) erhalten 6 Monate nach dem 4. immunologischen Ereignis evt. Hochbetagte, Immundefizienten, BewohnerInnen von Altenpflegeheimen
  • Impfungen der Altersgruppe 5 – 11 Jahre sollen mit den einfachen Originalimpfstoffen durchgeführt werden
  • Die bisherigen einfachen Comirnaty und Spikevax können für die Auffrischimpfung weiterhin eingesetzt werden

Surgery closed from 12th – 23rd September 22

Our surgery is closed from Monday, 12th to Friday, 23rd September 2022.

Please make sure, you order your referral forms and repeat prescriptions in time.

Cover during our closure by:

– Praxis Dr Heimberg, Nordseestr. 5, 26427 Neuharlingersiel, Tel. 04974 291

– Praxis Dr Beyen, Bahnhofstr. 18, 26409 Wittmund – Burhafe, Tel. 04973 253 (only in the morning)

We are back in service from Monday, 26th September 2022.

Thank you for your understanding.

New Covid 19 vaccination recommendation of the STIKO

Since 18th August 22 the STIKO advises a second booster vac (the 4th in total) 6 months after the first one (3rd in total) for all:

  • above 5 years of age with chronic conditions e.g. asthma, COPD, diatebes mellitus, heart, liver and kidney diseases etc.
  • above 60 years independent from medical history
  • residents in nursing home
  • employees of medical and care facilities

and other personal groups.

For the very elderly a 5th vac could be applied 6 months after the 4th one.

mRNA vaccines (Biontec or Spikevax) should be used for the boostering.

In addition the STIKO advises explicitly not to wait for the announced, but not yet available new adapted covid 19 vaccine.

For further inquiries and vac booking: impfung@praxis-duong.de

Herodikos plus: A new online exercise programme against back or knee pain.

For patients above 18 years of age with acute back or knee pain (up to 6 months duration) there is a new online training programme. You get a personalised exercise regime from a Herodikos physiotherapist, do the exercise on your own supported by a Herodikos app and will have a follow-up appointment every fortnight with him or her.

The exercise programme lasts 3 to 6 months. It is free of charge for members of the health insurrance companies: AOK Niedersachsen, HEK, pronova BKK and TK.

Please contact us for further information and registration.

Electronical sick note (eAU)

From 1st July 2022 the electronical sick note is introduced to all surgeries in Germany. The sick patient obtains a paper attestation for himself and another one for his employer.

Simultaneously a further sick note is transfered digitally to his health insurance company. So the patient does not have to inform his health insurance company himself unless the electronical system is out of order for the time being. In this case a third paper attestation for the health insurance is handed out to the patient.

Surgery closed 1st July 2022

Our surgery is closed on Friday, 1st July 2022.

Please make sure, you order your referral forms and repeat prescriptions in time. Cover during our closure by:

Praxis Dr Beyen, Bahnhofstr. 18, 26409 Wittmund Burhafe, Tel. 04973 253

We are back in service from Monday, 4th July 2022.